As I sit here trying to figure out how to use this website, I find myself changing the themes over and over to try and get it the way I feel will be the easiest for me and everyone to navigate. I want it to be clear with the most recent blog post showing at the top. I chose this because I didn't want you to have to click on something in order to start reading the post. The original theme I had chosen was titled "Tasty Treats" and looked like it would be a good layout for dessert recipes, photos of food, etc. I chose that because I thought it would be fitting since I have my own business, a cookie company. But since this blog is just for our class I changed it. I also didn't like how it was set up. I wrote out my whole blog post and then after publishing I went to look at it and realized I didn't like the layout. So I have now chosen this one based on the initial structure. I also like the colors and feel they fit the vibe I am going for. Hopefully this will be c...