As someone who doesn't know one thing about design, it may be unfair for me to critique these companies and their websites. However, I do know if I like something or not when I look it. When it comes to a website, it could be because of the colors used, the images they use, the layout and how it is set up. If things are difficult for me to find I will give up, it needs to be easy to navigate. If paragraphs are too lengthy I may skip over it. I like to see headlines to highlight where I can find certain pieces of information. So even though I cannot claim to be a design master, I would like to think that I can determine whether or not a website is set up well. I looked over all of the websites provided and of them I noticed some that were excellently done which were enjoyable to use. I noticed several others that had some room for improvement.
Upon viewing this website, I notice many problems right away. My first thought is that it is an absolute eyesore, the entire thing. There are so many colors against a tan background. The layout is extremely poor, I don't even know where to direct my eyes. Also, it's difficult to know at first what the website is even selling or showing. The content is confusing and visitors might not know where to start. There aren't any defining headers to direct our eyes to certain areas, the alignment is all in the center which makes it difficult to read. Some of the links don't bring you to anything, and others take you to yet another crazy webpage.
This website does not seem like it was done professionally. It seems as though not much thought went into it to be honest. A website like this, for me, makes me not trust the person or company. I would be extremely hesitant to click on some of the links, let alone purchase anything from this website. It just does not convey a sense of professionalism or pride in their work.
For this website to be improved, I think it would need a complete overhaul. I don't really see how this website could be fixed. I feel it would need to be started over completely. It would need a different color scheme, the links would need to be made with icons for ease on the eyes instead of bright blue text. It would need to be broken up into clear concise sections with headers so visitors know what is being offered. I would also suggest choosing better photos to portray the business and/or the person.
This website is not as bad as the other one but still has some flaws. The first thing I noticed is that there is a lot of red. Red font can be hard on the eyes and difficult to read, especially when it's up against an image. There are also a lot of other colors being used in the text. The contrast of the text against he text background color is not pretty to look at. Another issue to note is that it is all centered text, and the proximity of some of the images is too close. It doesn't flow well. There isn't much consistency from page to page. The layout changes, the company name is not shown on each page, and it's genuinely difficult to navigate.
This website may have been done by someone with a background in making websites but with not much experience. I would trust this company but it seems like they didn't invest much money into make the website. That might make potential customers think poorly of the company if they don't have enough money to invest in a solid website. Or it could be something easy to for customers to overlook because they are going to that specific company because they offer something that no one else does.
This website could improve with a few changes without spending too much money to remake the entire thing. A change in colors would be excellent and would instantly make it more enjoyable to look at. By consolidating some of the links or perhaps setting up one link for photos and then grouping them into separate categories on that page could make the front page look a lot cleaner. I also think if they changed the fonts and didn't use so much capitalization it would calm it down some.
I never put much thought into whether I really liked a website or not, but now that I'm analyzing all these different ones, especially the ones that were so difficult to look at, I actually enjoy Toyota's website. It's user-friendly and is appealing to the eye. It uses a simple white background so that we are drowned out by color. It has the most current and relevant information at the forefront of the page with a large image to attract our eyes. This showcases their newest car with special deals. It then also breaks down everything into categories that are showcased with proper headings and images. Links are easily found and information is categorized appropriately throughout the page. All information on the website is up to date and can most all be found on the homepage.
This site is very professional and builds a good sense of trust. Customers may believe these cars are safe and practical because that is the branding image that the website gives off. The simplicity and ease of this website makes me feel comfortable using it and I don't feel overwhelmed. This may make visitors stay around long enough to want to buy something and could make them come back often instead of using another company.
Of course, as you would expect from the sleek design of their phones and computers, Apple's website is a beautifully laid out, easy on the eyes, design dream. It is incredibly professional and well maintained with current product information and support. Links are easily navigable and there is consistency from page to page, leaving the top bar at the top to assure visitors they are still on the Apple website. The clickable links on this bar are clear and concise and allow visitors to jump around with ease. Each section is properly labeled with large fonts, capturing imagery and just enough words to keep you enticed but not bored.
Apple's use of branding is always the same with all of their products and is just as bold on their website. That's what I love about Apple. It's simple, but bold. This creates a great deal of trust between brand and customer. Obviously a company of this magnitude has the money to spend on maintaining a great website, but smaller companies can definitely learn from this design.
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