These were three different ads that I paid to have run on Facebook. I actually have never looked at the analytics for these ads until now and I find it super interesting. There is so much useful information to be found and now that I know I can use this for future ads. Now that I'm starting to get a better handle on the labor side of my business, I have a lot more time to dedicate to social media and advertising.
These ads that I made before I really didn't put too much thought into so they may not have been the most effective. However, the first ad did reach quite a lot of people and that is ultimately what got me started with my business. Because of the Facebook ad running all the time, I ended up getting too many orders that I couldn't keep up on my own and had to move my business out of my home and into a commercial kitchen.
The ads are simple; "Fresh baked cookies made to order and delivered. Order now." A very simple call-to-action that works. My main customers were women and lots of families. The objective of my ads was to persuade.
An objective is the point of the ad-whether it be to persuade, inform, or remind the audience. For my business, all three objectives are important. They can be used to persuade them to purchase, inform them of new flavors, or remind them of events coming up or soon to expire deals. However, so far I have only used ads with the objective of persuading the audience.
It so nice to see that you're really using these social media platforms to market your business. It really went well. I can't wait to have my real business page running in the future. Good luck and more power to your business:)