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Week 5 Part B

So since I began my Facebook page last April I have barely used it. I found Instagram to be more of my "thing." So I guess I never really learned the ins and outs of Facebook. Until now, I never even looked at my post reach and engagement. From the research I've done thus far, post reach and engagement are very important to know in order to market your business. The reach is literally just the number of people who have seen your post. This is measured by how many screens your post is displayed on. This does not take into account any interaction with the post. The engagement then, means who is actually connecting with your post with likes, sharing, and commenting. The larger your reach, there is potential for more engagement. And vice versa, the more engagement your post receives, the more people you may reach.

These are both important to know because it can tell you what kind of posts you want to use more often. The more engagement you get then you know people are paying attention. This is incredibly important when trying to grow your business. Comments, likes and shares will give you key insight to what your audience is thinking about your business. With comments, a viewer can tell you word for word what they are feeling both positive and negative feedback. A like would usually be considered positive feedback relating to the post, and if they're sharing your post then you're reaching even more people. 

The reach is important to know because it gives you insight literally into the number of people you are reaching on a daily, weekly, or monthly timeframe. If one week you see that you reached way less than you did the week before, then you know you may need to get your activity up, or that your posts weren't as engaging as they previously were. 

Facebook insights is an even more in depth view of how your business page is being viewed by people. You can even compare your page to other similar pages to see where you stand next to the competition. This is incredibly useful for businesses in order to amp up their marketing and advertising. It can give you knowledge to know where to direct your effort, what is working and what's not. 

Now that all of this information has been brought to my attention, I think it will greatly improve my use of Facebook in the future. I'm slowly starting to understand how it all works and I'm eager to put all this new found information to use for my business. 

I commented on:

Sue Godwin (1) Unconditional Love Cat and Dog Shelter of San Diego - Class Assignment | Facebook


J.R. Cook (1) J.R. Cook | Facebook


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