I began my research with Twitter to further my knowledge from the little bit I knew already. I have never really used Twitter besides here and there over the years. I don't have any followers on my personal account and I used it only to follow celebrities and other influencers I liked. So I've never made any posts or used it in any productive way. Personally, I didn't like that the posts were mainly just short word posts. I found that Instagram and Facebook were more useful to me and more enjoyable to use. After reading the articles, I learned a bit about how to use Twitter for business purposes. Like any social media platform there is a good deal of effort that goes into making it a successful platform for your business. It's important to come up with a good Twitter handle, creating a clear and concise bio, creating solid imagery and media to attract viewers etc. But even after all of this, Twitter isn't a very useful platform to generate revenue. It has mainly bec...