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Week 9 Part B Using Categories

Categories on a blog are a great way to group together different posts in order for readers to more easily find what they are looking for. They help to organize your blog site into broad groups which can then be broken down further into sub categories. I think this is a great idea to keep the page looking clean and easily navigable. Having these categories also helps to make sure your posts are staying relevant to your industry.

Since my business is cookies I would have a category for Flavors. Perhaps I would use this category to discuss new recipes, customer favorites, holiday and seasonal flavors etc. Another category could be Local Events where I would discuss the events our company would be attending or which farmers markets we would be selling. I could also use this category for posts to talk about other businesses in the area. 

Because my business was started with a family recipe, I like to keep my business with a "close to home" feel. For this reason I could have a third category to discuss all things family, comfort food, touching stories from our employees and customers, ideas for spending quality time with family etc. 

I tried to set up Google Analytics but I'm struggling to understand how to set it up or find where I get the URL to copy and paste to share with you.

These are the classmates who's blogs I commented on this week.






  1. My daughter came home with a bag of Momma's Boy's cookies this week. They were devoured! Thank you for your good product and I hope to see you at one of your events!


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