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Week 11: Marketing with Twitter, LinkedIn, Social Influencers

I began my research with Twitter to further my knowledge from the little bit I knew already. I have never really used Twitter besides here and there over the years. I don't have any followers on my personal account and I used it only to follow celebrities and other influencers I liked. So I've never made any posts or used it in any productive way. Personally, I didn't like that the posts were mainly just short word posts. I found that Instagram and Facebook were more useful to me and more enjoyable to use.

After reading the articles, I learned a bit about how to use Twitter for business purposes. Like any social media platform there is a good deal of effort that goes into making it a successful platform for your business. It's important to come up with a good Twitter handle, creating a clear and concise bio, creating solid imagery and media to attract viewers etc. But even after all of this, Twitter isn't a very useful platform to generate revenue. It has mainly become a "customer satisfaction" platform where businesses can engage with their audience in order to satisfy their issues with your services or products. 

To me, I find this to be tedious. I would much rather allocate my time with social media to a "one-stop-shop" like Instagram, where users can comment and message my company directly with their issues or complaints, I can share all the content I want on one page with all the images and photos I want. I can utilize the "story" feature to post daily updates, I can share longer posts when I choose (unable to do so with Twitter) and even hold live videos for further engagement. Not to mention, Twitters monthly users falls behind in comparison to Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and even TikTok. 

Instagram engagement is incredibly high, especially for B2C business. Through the use of influencers, brands can really market their products and gain a large customer base. The ROI with influencer marketing is much higher than other channels and especially high on Instagram compared to other platforms. As a cookie business looking to sell a product, I know that Instagram is definitely the route I will continue to use most frequently to connect with my audience.

I also researched a bit about LinkedIn. This is a platform I have always been interested in but have never used. I wasn't sure if it was something I really needed because I assumed it was just for potential employers to find and hire me which I didn't need. Now I've learned that LinkedIn is an incredibly useful business tool to connect with other businesses that I may need to connect with in my line of work. Such as if I want to find distributors to wholesale my cookies. I can also use it to find hires for available positions I need to fill. It's a great tool to build my network and my team. Building up a good reputation on LinkedIn could help me to find reliable business partners, investors, attorneys when needed, and accountants and CPAs to help me with my business needs. 

Overall, these platforms are all a great tool when used properly and can help to engage with customers and businesses alike while building my brand. As a new business, I am still getting my footing with social media and as I grow I plan to use it more and more for my benefit. 


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