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Week 12 Part A

In today's world it seems that everything is moving to the online world. We use it for literally everything, we are glued to our phones for hours on end and have to rely on it navigating through the world. It makes sense that as a business owner, I would need to get on bored with the growing trend to make the most of what the internet has to offer in terms of helping my business grow. 

We are all very familiar with Facebook and Instagram, but there are many other social networks that provide useful tools to broaden our business whether it be by actually gaining customers, or by networking with other business owners or people who we could use on our team, or just to gain information related to our industry. 

I have been all too hesitant to join LinkedIn, not because I don't want to, but because it is just another daunting task that I must add to my To Do list for my still very new business. I am fully aware of all the benefits I could reap by joining and creating my profile and I will eventually get around to doing it. I've always been more keen on in-person interactions, meetings, etc. But I know I am limiting myself with that mindset and as I continue to grow my business, I'll find my way onto more social platforms.

Some other online tools that could be useful to me are sites that can be used to manage my business-something that allows me to be remote and stay in contact with my employees, manage their hours and schedule, delegate tasks, and stay organized with inventory. This would be an incredibly useful tool for me to use since I want to eventually be able to move away from being so hands on in my business. I want to have more employees and people to manage it while I spend more time with my family and growing my business in other ways. 

Of course, Google maps and Yelp are useful sites and I am looking forward to the day where I have an actual brick and mortar location to appear on maps. 


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