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Week 12 Part B

I created a free account with LinkedIn so I could explore what the site has to offer. There are so many inspiring people to follow and learn from along with many different brands that I can follow to gain more insight into the industry. I researched the groups section and found many groups that would be extremely useful to me and my business. 

Some of my biggest hurdles in my business are my lack of social media presence, marketing, and packaging. With just a basic search in the groups section I found many groups tailored to these exact subjects. For example, I found a group called "Food Packaging Professionals" this would be an excellent group for me to join to get insight on the best type of packaging for my product and how to enhance my production. Not only that, I am able to find people for hire for areas that I am weak in or cannot execute myself. 

Yelp is another outlet that my business does not currently utilize but will in the future. Yelp is great for promoting your business. With enough good reviews you can convince even more people to choose you over a competitor. Yelp is great for restaurants and food places. I've also seen it used for hairdressers and lawyers and other service related industries. I think yelp is particularly useful for these types of businesses. I don't necessarily know if they work as well for other businesses.

I also checked out which I have only ever used for finding groups for fun activities. However, the site offers an array of different groups including Entrepreneur and networking groups which would be great for someone like me. They host virtual and in person 
meetings which is really convenient and a great way to connect and meet others and possible investors for my company.


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