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Week 13 Part A

I scrolled through my newsfeed on my personal Facebook account and got several sponsored posts and ads which are mostly relevant to my current interests. First there was a sponsored post for maternity shoots-my wife is pregnant and she's used my Facebook to search for things related to that. The post used photos done by a photographer of a family and the mother is pregnant. They use a call to action "Book Now" by advertising a discount and when you click it brings you to a website where you can choose a photo package.

I get sponsored posts for Vistaprint and ZipRecruiter because they are clearly targeting me for my business side. I use hiring websites in order to find employees and I use a lot of printing services for packaging and labels. These aren't that annoying because they can be useful to me when I'm needing to complete a task or looking for better pricing.
Another sponsored post was for Veteran's Loans using a call to action to refinance a home mortgage loan. Upon clicking the link it brought to me a mortgage relief website for veterans where I would have to enter a bunch of information. 

To me, those are the most annoying types of ads, where I have to enter a ton of info and then wait for someone to call and harass me. It then puts my phone number on a call list and I end up getting tons of unwanted calls from then on out.

Compared to what advertising used to solely be (and still used today) such as in newspapers, radio, television and magazines, people were able to get away from those ads. They could turn the tv off, put down the newspaper, get in the car, turn on the radio, change the radio if it was on a commercial and find a good song on another dial. Nowadays, it's nearly impossible to escape ads. We have our phones glued to our hand nearly all day. Not to mention, marketers can now use computer algorithms to directly target their audience and at an incredibly high rate with practically no effort on their part.

Marketers were very limited in the past. 
They had some ability to really target their audience with television such as choosing which channels and what time they wanted to air their ads in order to get viewed by that specific group of people who watch that channel. But it was not nearly as effective as social media which basically does all the work for you. Information is stored in the apps/websites and you can see just how many people you're reaching and at what times, what types of people, what they like etc. There is just no comparison to that type of marketing


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