Man, what a semester it has been. It seems like it was last week that I was sitting down at my computer trying to understand exactly what this course would be like. It was my first time ever doing online courses like this and was something I really had to get used to. I was excited though, to be learning about social media for business since I had just started my own business several months prior. I definitely knew that I needed some help navigating through it to understand the real importance and how to implement it within my own work.
Since beginning the course, my use of social media has definitely changed and I'm finding better ways to engage my audience. I have really seen Facebook to be much more successful in generating revenue compared to Instagram which has been better for interaction and brand recognition. Knowing this has helped me to prioritize the type of content I'm using on each platform. My target audience also differs from each platform and each demands different content as well.
Aside from the valuable information I have learned I have also been able to approach social media with more confidence. I no longer shy away from it out of fear that I don't know what I'm doing, or I won't be successful, or it's too much work. I've been able to change my perspective and it is something entirely more manageable because I was forced to sign on and go through the features and put them to use.
I have seen more interaction on my pages and I have received a lot of recognition from people in town who say they follow me on Instagram or have seen my ads on Facebook. The feedback I get is all positive and has been great for business. That has to be the best outcome of it all. I was actually approached by one of the marketing managers on Camp Pendleton where I sell my cookies, and she said she loved my Instagram. She said it was real and that the authenticity shows. I felt proud that even though my platforms are not the most professional or well managed, that I was recognized and that people enjoy it.
I really can't wait to continue growing my fan base on these platforms and see what it does for business. I love that I can use Instagram to take polls and get real life, real time feedback from my audience regarding my products. I can directly ask them through posts or stories their opinions on new products, what their favorites are, and what they want more of. Instagram and Facebook make it so easy to connect directly with my customers and audience, it's really a huge mistake for a business not to be utilizing it for all it's worth.
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